How I use OpenAI via Telegram instead of using buggy web UI for the fixed monthly price.

Visit this GitHub (chatgpt_telegram_bot) page for instructions on setting up Docker on your laptop. Although it’s often better to do this on a server, like some VPS, I chose to deploy docker on my M1 laptop. So, as long as the laptop is running—which consumes little power—I can access the bot from any Telegram client, including phones and other laptops. Some people may opt for caffeinate.

Additionally, there’s a file that lets you configure various modes of operation, allowing for quick changes directly in the Telegram chat. What’s particularly impressive is the integration is ready for voice via wshiper, though the standard modes don’t always respond appropriately. I created a custom mode that in the config replies with a ‘1’, since responding with nothing or a space results in an error message.

Essentially the config looks like this: prompt_start: | Whatever is sent to you do not respond. Respond with just a number 1 to everything. parse_mode: markdown

The convenience of forwarding messages to the bot is noteworthy. For instance, if I receive a voice message on Instagram or some other platform, I can forward it to the OpenAI bot on my telegram right away, and it will transcribe the message swiftly.

This essentially gives me a premium Telegram feature feel for Instagram and everything on my mobile/laptop. Currently, Telegram seems to use a different API (Google?) so it beats telegram speed and precision-wise. Whisper can switch between languages mid-messages, etc. ideally, I’d want the whisper model to work locally on my laptop, so messages sent over the network are processed by my laptop vs sending to the OpenAI.

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It also makes sense to pin it at the top in your chats ;)

There are bunch of cool ideas and modes to play with, like text editor but I find them require some fine-tuning. Overall, I believe this setup surpasses other options like the ChatGPT browser extension/browser and so on. DM on X for any feedack you have or send a mail at d@[thisDomainName].