The world is full of noise. Or maybe it is noise?

New group, community, meet-up, happy hour, speakeasy, presentation, conference, speaking event, motivational YouTube video, Netflix show, podcast, podcast notes, app to shrink YouTube video to podcast notes, the app to create a Youtube Video from podcast notes, WhatsApp group, telegram group, instagram group, private club, public club, join LinkedIn page, add a badge to the profile, new shiny course, travel hack, life hack, optimisation program, how to do ABC, why do X today, why do Y tomorrow, 5 top countries to visit, 5 top ways to cook an egg, have you seen this tweet, have you seen that tweet, medidate, visualise, manifest all the recycled information.

If you would look at ROI of the sum above you’d have to agree it is low and does not work for the life you’re aiming for deep inside.

Yet, search for the serendipity among all of us continues as the approach worked for 1%. We all know those people who went to a place almost by random, met a person and built the most successful venture ever or changed their life.

This story creates a huge demand for serendipity-like activities with unknown ROI. Is it bad? No. Is it good? I guess no. It is just an observation.

Time flies, death the ultimate teacher exists — now this may uplift the observation to the next level. How I heard, “The ultimate joke played on a being is the absence of near-death experience every month.”

I know people who love their craft and thrive in every project and idea they spin up, their output and life does not conform to serendipity and noise. Must say I love to see they do it perfectly, on repeat with zero noise.