Eye health and SCN
I’ve (and probably you’ve too) been working on VR/computer devices last 10 years. I has been digging deeply into the implications they have on the human health and the eye health.
The big problem we currently face is non-native light spectrum that hits our retina which is confusing OPSins (OPN1–5) in our eye and skin. Correct, our skin responds to light too and that’s why your glucose rises when you flash a light (closer to blue spectra) on your skin!
Everything that is light hits the brain through the eye nerve, esp. hypothalamus where the SCN is located. The SCN is the master clock and pacemaker.
When using computers and screens consider:
- 500nm< blocking glasses if you use computers after sunset and before sunrise, custom lenses for VR-like devices
- Calibrating the SCN by watching sun set and sun rise and restoring the circadian rythm
- Having the organic sunshine spectrum imbibed by the eye and skin so opsins in the body can be calibrated with precision
This post is a short reminder and go-act excerpt and the whole story of SCN and circadian biology is much bigger.